Wednesday, December 18, 2013

IN PLENO LUMINE: Are we missing something?An id quod deest?Good M...

IN PLENO LUMINE: Are we missing something?
An id quod deest?
Good M...
: Are we missing something? An id quod deest ? Good Morning, Moving right along on our review to the Amendments of the Constitution.  H...
Are we missing something?
An id quod deest?
Good Morning,
Moving right along on our review to the Amendments of the Constitution.  Hopefully, now you are well versed in the first two, posted in my latest blogs.  As stated the third amendments goes like this:

"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law". -

See more at:

What are your thoughts or opinions in regard to the aforementioned. Do you think that in these modern days the 3rd amendment is obsolete or, if  it isn't written into the constitution are we  bound to repeat the past?
Best regard,

Buenos Dias,
Continuando con nuestro repaso de los enmendamientos a nuestra constitucion estadounidense.  Ojala que hayan tenido la oportunidad de leer mis dos recientes blogs.  Como pueden ver el Tercer enmendamiento va asi:

"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law". -

See more at:

Cuales son sus opiniones acerca del mismo?  Piensa usted que es obsoleto para estos tiempos modernos o, tal vez si no esta escrito en el documento, estemos sujetos a repetir el pasado?


References and cases;

  1. Bill of Rights Institute: Third Amendment (1791) | Bill of Rights Institute

    1. › ... › Americapedia – Bill of Rights
  1. This amendment says that the government cannot force citizens to house soldiers in their homes. Read more about its contributions to history at the Bill of Rights ...
    1. 3rd Amendment - Constitution - Laws

    1. › Find LawsConstitution LawsAmendments

    3rd Amendment - Third Amendment: The Quartering of SoldiersWhat is the Third Amendment?No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, ...
    1. A Nevada Man Says His 3rd Amendment Rights Were Violated. Wait ...

    Jul 11, 2013 - The Third Amendment, which bans quartering, was adopted in 1791 in response to British conduct during the American Revolution. Since then ...
    1. The 3rd Amendment

    During the Colonial Period, colonists were forced to let British soldiers sleep in their homes and eat their meals. Colonists were outraged, and the more they ...
    1. Family allegedly forced from home by police files rare Third ...

    Jul 8, 2013 - However, the more compelling questions appear to focus on whether the Third Amendment strategy can work, considering the courts would ...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Hi there; T...
: THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS ARMIS IUS FERRE Hi there; Today I just thought we could continue on our brush up of the ammendments to the consti...
Hi there; Today I just thought we could continue on our brush up of the ammendments to the constitution. Let me know what your thoughts are on this ammendment.  I would like to know if you think our country is doing a good job with our interpretation of such. All thoughts, opinions and debates are welcome.
Hola; El dia de hoy quisiera repasar el segundo enmiendamiento a la Constitucion de los Estados Unidos.  Dejeme saber cual es su concepto de este enmendamiento.  Me gustaria saber si usted piensa que nuestro pais esta haciendo buen trabajo en la interpretacion de tal.  Todos sus pensamientos, opiniones o debate son bienvenidos.

Amendment II

  1. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
  2. Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia ...

  1. The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of individual Americans to keep and bear arms, regardless of service .

Thursday, December 5, 2013

IN PLENO LUMINE: Fast and Furious Beware

IN PLENO LUMINE: Fast and Furious Beware: "ieiunium et furens Cavendum" Speeding tickets.  What are your thoughts on receiving them?  What is your experience when the ...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

1st amendment violation or loophole?
1 contra emendationis vel fenestram?
Today it was announced that the Supreme Court will be deciding over two cases, related to the new Contraceptive Mandate for employers. The plaintiffs allege that the new Health Care Mandate violates their first amendment rights over religious beliefs. The question appears to be, whether or not the companies may assert, the 1993 Freedom of Restoration Act. If they should be required to provide Contraceptive coverage, acting against their beliefs as religious based employers. 

 What do you think? please see below and comment. Additionally, please feel free to add any research you may have on the issue.
My Best,

The 1993 Freedom Restoration Act.

"A 1993 United Stated Federal Law aimed at preventing laws that substantially burden a person's free exercise of their religion".  The Law also mandates that strict scrutiny must be applied to determine whether or not a violation to one's first amendment rights have been violated. 

The first amendment states that:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion;or prohibiting the exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech,or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances"

Saturday, November 23, 2013

IN PLENO LUMINE: Is incarceration the answer?

IN PLENO LUMINE: Is incarceration the answer?: Est incarceratione responsum ? What do you think the ideal crime deterrent would be.  do you believe our prisons are serving their purpo...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

IN PLENO LUMINE: Vel-non fiction FictionQuid censes?Fiction or No...

IN PLENO LUMINE: Vel-non fiction Fiction
Quid censes?
Fiction or No...
: Vel-non f iction Fiction Quid censes ? Fiction or Non-Fiction What do you think? Ayn Rand? Have you ever heard of her?  Did anyone hav...
Vel-non fiction Fiction
Quid censes?

Fiction or Non-Fiction
What do you think?

Ayn Rand? Have you ever heard of her?  Did anyone have her novels as required reading for an economics or Social studies class?  I, unfortunately did not.
According to my readings and interpretation of such, most of her novels were based on a philosophy given the name of "Objectivism".
My Interpretation of such led me to the premise that it is based on individualism and there is nothing wrong with being selfish.  In a nutshell it could be considered capitalism to the extreme. However it seems have the reader consider the consequences of not being able to detach from emotions and focus on their own individual achievements, in order to achieve a better, more prosperous society.  It truly provides food for thought in regard to how we see our society and where it may be headed.
Mrs. Rand coming from socialist beginnings was committed to fighting this way of life when she came to this country as a writer. She was dedicated to relating this through her novels; that this great country could  become this way if we continued to allow government interference and being conformist.

I have included below some links to her readings as well as the definitions of "Objectivism" as well as "Individualism" Please offer an opinion I would love to hear from you. happy reading!
My Best,

Objectivism (Ayn Rand) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friday, March 8, 2013

mulieres potentia

mulieres potentia

  • Women's History Month 2013 - SimilarShare
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    March is Women's History Month. The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National ...
  • Women's History Month - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_History_-

  • Friday, March 1, 2013

    IN PLENO LUMINE: mulieres munus exempla monstrabit,

    IN PLENO LUMINE: mulieres munus exempla monstrabit,: Mulieres munus exempla monstrabit, Woman role models We are so in need of positive role models for women.  Why do they not teach thi...

    mulieres munus exempla monstrabit,

    Mulieres munus exempla monstrabit,
    Woman role models

    We are so in need of positive role models for women.  Why do they not teach this  in schools? ???  Anyhow,  This post is very meaningful to me.  She was the first Female Lawyer on the West Coast and provided the model for the Public Defender System and  the parole system.  Let me know your thoughts I welcome your opinions/debate.

    My Best,

    1. Clara S. Foltz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - SimilarShare
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      Clara Shortridge Foltz (July 16, 1849 – September 2, 1934) was the first female lawyer on the West Coast. She was the sister of U.S. Senator Samuel M.
    2. Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center - Superior Court of ... - SimilarShare
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      Central District Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 210 West Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90012, Map It. Get Directions: Google Maps | Mapquest ...
    3. [PDF]

      Clara Shortridge Foltz: Pioneer in the Law - Santa Barbara County
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      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
      by MD Schwartz - 1976 - Cited by 19 - Related articles
      Clara Shortridge Foltz watched the district attorney as he presented his closing argument to the San Francisco jury. He concluded with an attempt to discredit her ...
    4. Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center - Downtown - Los ... - SimilarShare
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      Rating: 3 - 65 reviews
      65 Reviews of Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center "Jury duty was a breeze. I did the orientation on line which meant I could start at 9.30 AM on ...