Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Constitutional Amendment

8th Amendment

Octavo Emendatione

What is the Eighth Amendment?

Excessive bail shall not be required, no excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
The Eighth Amendment Defined:
.- See more at:
Octavo, quae sit Emendatione? 

Nimis vadimonium non oportet, neque nimis multae dictae, et crudeliter et insolita poena. 

Octava Emendatione definitione: 
In Octava MDCCXCI emendatione libellus de jure cohaereat. 

- Vide plura: # sthash.qC5dDg6l.dpuf


    Eighth amendment definition, an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, ... 8th amendment of us constitution.
  • 8th amendment | Define 8th amendment at

    an amendment to the U.S. constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, guaranteeing reasonable bail, fines, and punishment. ...
  • The 8th Amendment

    No cruel or unusual punishments are allowed according to this amendment. The problem is...what exactly is cruel or unusual? At the time of the writing of this ...
  • What does the 8th Amendment mean - WikiAnswers › ... › History › History of the United States

    In: History of the United States, Math and Arithmetic, Statistics, Definitions and ... The8th amendment means that if you are placed under bail, The bail has to be ...
  • Cruel and Unusual Punishment under the Eighth Amendment

    University of Missouri–Kansas City

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