Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"ex ore parvulorum veritas"
Out of the
mouth of little children [comes] truth

Update on the case below. 
I fully appreciate those in our country who still believe in standing up for our freedoms and liberties.  Please coment on the update below concerning, "ACLU" (American Civil Liberties Union), or feel otherwise. I look forward to hearing from you.
My Best,
Kansas gov. says staff overreacted to teen's tweet - Yahoo! News
When a high school senior tweeted that Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback "sucked," among other invectives, reaction at the state Capitol led her principal to demand an apology. Instead, it was the Republican governor offering a mea culpa Monday, forced to admit to a self-described overreaction by his staff that subjected him to ridicule for efforts to police a teenager's Internet musings.
Read the full story

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thought for the day

"candor dat viribus alas"
Sincerity gives wings to strength

The tried and true; the case below appears to illustrate a classic example of speech censorship.  However, I maybe wrong, as I do not have all the details. Please feel free to follow the link below and voice your opinion to further incite debate and conversation on a seemingly simple case turned into a constitutional issue.  What are your views?
Teen tweeter won't apologize to Kan. governor - Yahoo! News
A Kansas teenager who wrote a disparaging tweet about Gov. Sam Brownback said Sunday that she is rejecting her high school principal's demand for a written apology.
Read the full story

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thought for the day

                      "aequo animo"
        With a calm mind; with equanimity

Food for thought, please post any comments you may have in regard to neurological defects/accidents which may affect a person's behavior. Do you feel that this may indeed increase a propensity towards criminality or simply a convenient defense strategy? What are your thoughts on the "legal insanity  defense? Please click on the link below to get a brief insight on the subject, if it further interests you , there are also other links at the bottom of the page for more detailed information to base your opinions.
My Best,


Thursday, November 24, 2011


                   "dum vita est spes est "
            While there's life, there's hope

On Todays' Holiday I can't help but think of those less fortunate than us.  With Homelessness on the rise and so many of them being veterans, who have served our country. I would like to express how thankful I am, to  all my family members who have served and all others who I may never hear about. Please see attached link and comment on your opinion on how our country handles the return of these veterans with so many emotional and mental issues due to their experiences. A great majority of them end up in homeless shelters with lack of adequate health care, housing, employment, illegal drug use and what  I believe it is our lack of our understanding of the support they need to readjust to society as well as the continuing and increasing need for strong family values.  I would love to receive any opinions on this matter.  Please see link below.
"Stress, Suicide and Homicide: How Do We Help Our Veterans Cope?"
Article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/luis-carlos-montalvan/stress-suicide-homicide-h_b_357408.html

Sent by Angelica

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Update on Texas judge.  Please follow link and post your comment.
Texas' top court suspends judge in beating video - Yahoo! News
The Texas Supreme Court suspended a judge Tuesday whose beating of his then-teenage daughter in 2004 was viewed millions of times on the Internet.
Read the full story

Response to Chuck

Thanks for your reply. I hear you saying what most Americans would agree on; in an ideal nation and in line with our constitution. However,  given the dilemma of lack of juror pools and the attorneys on both sides aggressiveness in disqualifying jurors.  Do you think our legal system is being shortchanged and therefore our alleged defendants not given a fair trial? 

Anyone else have an opinion??

Thought for the day

"legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus"

We are slaves of the law in order that we may be able to be free.

What is your opinion in regards to the real costs of the death penalty in CA or the alternative of appeals and lifelong incarceration?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thought for the Day

                        "credo ut intelligam "                 I believe so that I may understand

Lets talk about jurors. Who would you prefer to be on "your jury panel?"


Response to adventurous moms

Thank you for joining!
What I am hearing you say is that you feel jurors should not be allowed to tweet or use electronic devices during a trial. However, in this case, it appears the judge allowed it and made a decision regardless. Do you think electronics should be altogether banned from the courtroom, especially in high profile/death penaly cases?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thoughts on Techies??

                                              "fiat justitia"                  
                    let justice be done

Lawyer: Toss Ark. murder conviction due to tweets - Yahoo! News
A man sent to death row for robbing and shooting a teenager after a party should have his murder conviction overturned because a judge wouldn't dismiss a juror caught tweeting during the trial, his lawyer argued Thursday to the Arkansas Supreme Court.
Read the full story

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thought for today

"lex non distinguitur nos non distinguere debemus "

law does not distinguish and so we ought not distinguish

The internet is blowing up with a video allegedly posted by the daughter of an Aransas County judge.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Child abuse or authoritative parenting?

Do you think the case about the Judge in Texas should have been tried as a felony or misdemeanor? Please research and respond.