Saturday, December 17, 2011


"componere lites"

To settle disputes (Horace)

Today I would like to ask... How do you feel about children and their rights?  Does our society  consider them simply mini-adults who should be held to  the same standards to Adults (persons over 18 years of age)? Do you believe that in some cases the authorities are going a bit far in enforcing rules?  or are they possibly trying to avert situations by having drug sniffing dogs on campus to prevent drug use...or perhaps arresting these youths in front of they're peers (disrupting classes) is geared toward deterring the "Possibility" of future crime from these youths, (school shootings) or do you think the following scenarios/cases actually lack reasonable suspicion and the next thing that will probably come from this will be to have our schools run like prisons, with searches, metal detectors, drug sniffing K9;s or the like.  Furthermore,  are the parents of these alleged offenders being properly informed about their rights? or are theirs possibly being violated as well.  Interesting topic...  Please take the time to review if this is something that may interest you. Would love to hear from you.
My Best,
Links and information on the web;
  1. Student Rights Directory
  2. - Similar

  1. - Similar
    Foster Youth Have Rights! ... your choice send and get unopened mail (unless a judge says someone else can open your mail) ... YOU HAVE SCHOOL RIGHTS. ...
  2. Teen free speech: defending students' rights at school — JSCMS › ... › Columbia News ServiceMar 13, 2007Cached - Similar
    Mar 13, 2007 – “This stuff can change who people are,” Fyke added. “And it's not fair for schools to have that power over children without parents knowing.” ...
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    homeless children and youth have school rights under federal and state law (the McKinney act). Who Is A Homeless. Student? Which School Can A. Homeless ...
  1.   | Prison Policy Initiative
  2. › ResourcesResearch IndexCached - Similar
  3. Education Under Arrest The Case Against Police in Schools, [PDF] Justice Policy ... that states spend billions to imprison youth in secure facilities, but could save .... California Youth Crime Declines: The Untold Story, [PDF] Center on Juvenile ...
  1. An Analysis of Curfew Enforcement and Juvenile Crime in California - Similar
    by M Males - 1999 - Cited by 22 - Related articles
    Detractors warn that the arrest of youth for acts that would not be crimes if ... the adoption of curfew in October 1994) for school hours and nonschool hours. ...
  2. National Youth Rights Association » Analysis of U.S. Curfew Laws
    Monrovia, California's curfew adoption was followed by a 32 percent decline in residential burglaries 1 ... of speech in schools 3 This case involved how school officials had forbidden a group .... However, arrest rates do have one inherent flaw. ...
  1. School to Prison Pipeline: Talking Points | American Civil Liberties ... - Similar
    Jun 6, 2008 – Children are far more likely to be arrested at school than they were a ... The explosion of school-based arrests cannot be attributed to an increase in youth violence. ... Resources that could be put towards improving under-resourced schools .... California Northern, California San Diego, California Southern ...

    Juveniles | Prison Policy Initiative › ResourcesResearch IndexCached - Similar
    Education Under Arrest The Case Against Police in Schools, [PDF] Justice Policy ... that states spend billions to imprison youth in secure facilities, but could save .... California Youth Crime Declines: The Untold Story, [PDF] Center on Juvenile ...
  1. School to Prison Pipeline: Talking Points | American Civil Liberties ... - Similar
    Jun 6, 2008 – Children are far more likely to be arrested at school than they were a ... The explosion of school-based arrests cannot be attributed to an increase in youth violence. ... Resources that could be put towards improving under-resourced schools .... California Northern, California San Diego, California Southern ...

  2. Urban Education Expert, Dr. Christopher Emdin, is a Professor at Columbia University Teachers College and is the Director of Secondary School Initiatives at the Urban Science Education Center in New York.

    · · · 20 minutes ago

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