Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy 2012!!

Happy New Year!!

Felix novus annus!

Hope all has gone well with your holiday season and you are all ready to welcome 2012. I have included some information regarding new laws and regulations for this upcoming year. I hope this helps and you enjoy. Happy reading, and as usual do not forget to post any comments or suggestions.

My Best,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


fractured Identities
"fractum Identities"

Today's topic is about fractured identities, or better known as "dissociative disorder " under the DSM - IV(diagnostical statistical manual for psychological diagnosis).However, the definition may be changing or has changed in the new DSM-V.

Moreover our discussion today invites you to voice your opinion in regards to if and how how much influence a fractured identity comes into play with criminal behavior. I have cited some resources for your analysis and comparison of the effects of the failure to properly form an identity and would like to ask of you, if you think that the aforementioned maybe a factor to increase the likelihood of punishment or mitigate it.

Do you think that most of our current societal criminal issues arise from a lack of family values, poor parenting or do you believe it is more of an environmental influence? Is there a causal relationship there? Or, as a great majority do , is it your opinion that a person can just be inherently evil and may just be suffering from anti-social personality? Please voice your opinion.

My Best,
  1. Dissociative disorders: Symptoms -

  1. - Similar
    Dissociative disorders are defined as conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/or perception. See also dissociation. ...
  2. Dissociative identity disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a psychiatric diagnosis and describes a condition in which a person displays multiple distinct identities (known as alters or ...
  3. NAMI | Dissociative Disorders
     What Is a Dissociative Disorder? - Sidran: Help for Post Traumatic ...
  4. Dissociative Disorders-What you need to know-FAQ

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tema del dia

"ipsa scientia potestas est"
Knowledge itself is power.

Welcome, today I'd like to invite you to voice your opinion over education,  Standardized tests?  Would you say that the aforementioned are overrated by an elitist system?
 It is interesting to question how these tests are formulated and what specifically they are targeting. Why is it that although our society keeps pulling funding from public education, there is still a small group of people who are continued to be guaranteed their successful spot in society, regardless of their intellectual capacities?  or may we surmise that perhaps,  success within our society is solely based on capitalism and America offers the right and opportunity to achieve and maintain that status?
Would it be plausible to consider that there is only a certain amount of social strata one can climb without the proper knowledge or channels?  May entrepreneurship  be the best way to go as opposed to "chasing the dream" (education) in what can perhaps may be viewed  by some as a futile exercise in social mobility?
With the cost of education rapidly rising and students graduating, saddled with loans can this be considered an issue of "indentured slavery"? please share your thoughts...
My Best,

Message body

007angelly sent you a video: "Best scene of Suits [<span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">HD</span>]"
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Even though Suits only aired nine episodes so far at usa channel, this is the most epic and breathtaking scene of all tv-series I know. It's a scene from the pilot episode and it's about Mike Ross gets the lawyer job from Mr. Harvey Spector. Don't forget to follow Suits every sunday on usa.

Note: I don't have any rights to this clip, just posted it! All copyright goes to USA

Monday, December 19, 2011

Message body

007angelly sent you a video: "A Lawyer Walks Into a Bar... TRAILER"
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007angelly has shared a video with you on YouTube:
To sue or not to sue, that is the question. A lurid tale of lawyers, lawsuits and America's fascination with both, "A Lawyer Walks Into a Bar..." explores the influence of the law and its practitioners on American culture, while following six hopefuls who will do whatever it takes to become lawyers themselves.

Featuring appearances by luminaries from the worlds of law, politics, and entertainment, including comedians Eddie Griffin and Michael Ian Black, O.J. Simpson counsel Robert Shapiro, CNN's Nancy Grace, Court TV's Catherine Crier, novelist Scott Turow, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Clinton advisor Vernon Jordan, Len Jacoby of Jacoby & Meyers, and ABC's John Stossel among others.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


"componere lites"

To settle disputes (Horace)

Today I would like to ask... How do you feel about children and their rights?  Does our society  consider them simply mini-adults who should be held to  the same standards to Adults (persons over 18 years of age)? Do you believe that in some cases the authorities are going a bit far in enforcing rules?  or are they possibly trying to avert situations by having drug sniffing dogs on campus to prevent drug use...or perhaps arresting these youths in front of they're peers (disrupting classes) is geared toward deterring the "Possibility" of future crime from these youths, (school shootings) or do you think the following scenarios/cases actually lack reasonable suspicion and the next thing that will probably come from this will be to have our schools run like prisons, with searches, metal detectors, drug sniffing K9;s or the like.  Furthermore,  are the parents of these alleged offenders being properly informed about their rights? or are theirs possibly being violated as well.  Interesting topic...  Please take the time to review if this is something that may interest you. Would love to hear from you.
My Best,
Links and information on the web;
  1. Student Rights Directory
  2. - Similar

  1. - Similar
    Foster Youth Have Rights! ... your choice send and get unopened mail (unless a judge says someone else can open your mail) ... YOU HAVE SCHOOL RIGHTS. ...
  2. Teen free speech: defending students' rights at school — JSCMS › ... › Columbia News ServiceMar 13, 2007Cached - Similar
    Mar 13, 2007 – “This stuff can change who people are,” Fyke added. “And it's not fair for schools to have that power over children without parents knowing.” ...
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    homeless children and youth have school rights under federal and state law (the McKinney act). Who Is A Homeless. Student? Which School Can A. Homeless ...
  1.   | Prison Policy Initiative
  2. › ResourcesResearch IndexCached - Similar
  3. Education Under Arrest The Case Against Police in Schools, [PDF] Justice Policy ... that states spend billions to imprison youth in secure facilities, but could save .... California Youth Crime Declines: The Untold Story, [PDF] Center on Juvenile ...
  1. An Analysis of Curfew Enforcement and Juvenile Crime in California - Similar
    by M Males - 1999 - Cited by 22 - Related articles
    Detractors warn that the arrest of youth for acts that would not be crimes if ... the adoption of curfew in October 1994) for school hours and nonschool hours. ...
  2. National Youth Rights Association » Analysis of U.S. Curfew Laws
    Monrovia, California's curfew adoption was followed by a 32 percent decline in residential burglaries 1 ... of speech in schools 3 This case involved how school officials had forbidden a group .... However, arrest rates do have one inherent flaw. ...
  1. School to Prison Pipeline: Talking Points | American Civil Liberties ... - Similar
    Jun 6, 2008 – Children are far more likely to be arrested at school than they were a ... The explosion of school-based arrests cannot be attributed to an increase in youth violence. ... Resources that could be put towards improving under-resourced schools .... California Northern, California San Diego, California Southern ...

    Juveniles | Prison Policy Initiative › ResourcesResearch IndexCached - Similar
    Education Under Arrest The Case Against Police in Schools, [PDF] Justice Policy ... that states spend billions to imprison youth in secure facilities, but could save .... California Youth Crime Declines: The Untold Story, [PDF] Center on Juvenile ...
  1. School to Prison Pipeline: Talking Points | American Civil Liberties ... - Similar
    Jun 6, 2008 – Children are far more likely to be arrested at school than they were a ... The explosion of school-based arrests cannot be attributed to an increase in youth violence. ... Resources that could be put towards improving under-resourced schools .... California Northern, California San Diego, California Southern ...

  2. Urban Education Expert, Dr. Christopher Emdin, is a Professor at Columbia University Teachers College and is the Director of Secondary School Initiatives at the Urban Science Education Center in New York.

    · · · 20 minutes ago

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Effects of Foster Care

non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut aurum
 Do not take as gold everything that shines like gold

What do you think may be the end result/ ongoing effects of a foster care system which seems to be disorganized at best?  Do you believe that there may be alternatives to foster care? Please comment and give me your opinion of the foster care system. Additionally, I have provided some links for reference/reading if this topic further interests you.
My Best,

The negative physical, psychological, cognitive and epigenetic effects of foster care have been established in innumerable studies in various countries. The Casey Family Programs Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study was a fairly extensive study into various aspects of the psychosocial effects of foster care noted that 80% of ex-foster children are doing "poorly".


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Child Abuse Laws and requirements

filius est pars patris
a son is part of the father

As a a former Social Worker, as well as worker in the Juvenile justice system, I find this information particularly useful for society that is not involved in the trenches with this issue.  Social workers are expected on a daily basis to make decisions based on legal and moral judgment.  The caseloads are already overwhelming and you can be ostracized by any party that does not agree with you.   The goal of this system should be able to help those families in need and work conjunctively with community accessible resources to preserve families.   Often, as Social Workers, you are playing the devil's advocate as well as the child's advocate.  There appears to be no right or wrong and an expansive grey area.
What are your thoughts on this issue?  do you think more services should be brought in to the families to help preservation?  or do you feel that removal from homes is the only solution? Also. interesting to note; does there appear to be a causal relationship between at-risk ,delinquency, removal from a biological home or constant removal from failed placements (foster homes)?
Please feel free to read some of the origins of the mandated child abuse laws as well as some important topics on foster care and families.
My Best,

  1. [PDF]
  2. The California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Law Issues and ...

  4. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    Child Abuse. & Neglect Reporting Law. Issues and Answers for Mandated Reporters. California Department of Social Services. Office of Child Abuse Prevention ...
  5. You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 12/3/11
  6. Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect: Summary of State ... › SystemwideLaws & PoliciesCached - Similar
    To enable States to provide protection to maltreated children, the reporting laws in ... Substance abuse counselors are required to report in Alaska, California, ...
  7. CA Codes (pen:11164-11174.3) - Similar
    Reports of suspected child abuse or neglect shall be made by mandated ... 2 of the Health and Safety Code), the California Child Day Care Act (Chapter 3.4 ...
  8. Child Abuse Central Index Forms | State of California - Department ...
    ... certain individuals to report information required by law in child abuse cases. ... contact the Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) at: ...

Analysis: Mandatory reporting laws could harm children - Yahoo! News
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In the wake of child sex-abuse scandals at Penn State University and Syracuse University, states have jumped to toughen laws on who must report child abuse, sparking a debate about the effectiveness of such laws. In addition to the two states directly affected by the scandals -- Pennsylvania and New York -- legislators and prosecutors across the country have announced the need for a more expansive definition of so-called mandated reporters, who are required to report suspicions of child abuse. ...
Read the full story

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"ex ore parvulorum veritas"
Out of the
mouth of little children [comes] truth

Update on the case below. 
I fully appreciate those in our country who still believe in standing up for our freedoms and liberties.  Please coment on the update below concerning, "ACLU" (American Civil Liberties Union), or feel otherwise. I look forward to hearing from you.
My Best,
Kansas gov. says staff overreacted to teen's tweet - Yahoo! News
When a high school senior tweeted that Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback "sucked," among other invectives, reaction at the state Capitol led her principal to demand an apology. Instead, it was the Republican governor offering a mea culpa Monday, forced to admit to a self-described overreaction by his staff that subjected him to ridicule for efforts to police a teenager's Internet musings.
Read the full story

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thought for the day

"candor dat viribus alas"
Sincerity gives wings to strength

The tried and true; the case below appears to illustrate a classic example of speech censorship.  However, I maybe wrong, as I do not have all the details. Please feel free to follow the link below and voice your opinion to further incite debate and conversation on a seemingly simple case turned into a constitutional issue.  What are your views?
Teen tweeter won't apologize to Kan. governor - Yahoo! News
A Kansas teenager who wrote a disparaging tweet about Gov. Sam Brownback said Sunday that she is rejecting her high school principal's demand for a written apology.
Read the full story

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thought for the day

                      "aequo animo"
        With a calm mind; with equanimity

Food for thought, please post any comments you may have in regard to neurological defects/accidents which may affect a person's behavior. Do you feel that this may indeed increase a propensity towards criminality or simply a convenient defense strategy? What are your thoughts on the "legal insanity  defense? Please click on the link below to get a brief insight on the subject, if it further interests you , there are also other links at the bottom of the page for more detailed information to base your opinions.
My Best,

Thursday, November 24, 2011


                   "dum vita est spes est "
            While there's life, there's hope

On Todays' Holiday I can't help but think of those less fortunate than us.  With Homelessness on the rise and so many of them being veterans, who have served our country. I would like to express how thankful I am, to  all my family members who have served and all others who I may never hear about. Please see attached link and comment on your opinion on how our country handles the return of these veterans with so many emotional and mental issues due to their experiences. A great majority of them end up in homeless shelters with lack of adequate health care, housing, employment, illegal drug use and what  I believe it is our lack of our understanding of the support they need to readjust to society as well as the continuing and increasing need for strong family values.  I would love to receive any opinions on this matter.  Please see link below.
"Stress, Suicide and Homicide: How Do We Help Our Veterans Cope?"

Sent by Angelica

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Update on Texas judge.  Please follow link and post your comment.
Texas' top court suspends judge in beating video - Yahoo! News
The Texas Supreme Court suspended a judge Tuesday whose beating of his then-teenage daughter in 2004 was viewed millions of times on the Internet.
Read the full story

Response to Chuck

Thanks for your reply. I hear you saying what most Americans would agree on; in an ideal nation and in line with our constitution. However,  given the dilemma of lack of juror pools and the attorneys on both sides aggressiveness in disqualifying jurors.  Do you think our legal system is being shortchanged and therefore our alleged defendants not given a fair trial? 

Anyone else have an opinion??

Thought for the day

"legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus"

We are slaves of the law in order that we may be able to be free.

What is your opinion in regards to the real costs of the death penalty in CA or the alternative of appeals and lifelong incarceration?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thought for the Day

                        "credo ut intelligam "                 I believe so that I may understand

Lets talk about jurors. Who would you prefer to be on "your jury panel?"

Response to adventurous moms

Thank you for joining!
What I am hearing you say is that you feel jurors should not be allowed to tweet or use electronic devices during a trial. However, in this case, it appears the judge allowed it and made a decision regardless. Do you think electronics should be altogether banned from the courtroom, especially in high profile/death penaly cases?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thoughts on Techies??

                                              "fiat justitia"                  
                    let justice be done

Lawyer: Toss Ark. murder conviction due to tweets - Yahoo! News
A man sent to death row for robbing and shooting a teenager after a party should have his murder conviction overturned because a judge wouldn't dismiss a juror caught tweeting during the trial, his lawyer argued Thursday to the Arkansas Supreme Court.
Read the full story

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thought for today

"lex non distinguitur nos non distinguere debemus "

law does not distinguish and so we ought not distinguish
The internet is blowing up with a video allegedly posted by the daughter of an Aransas County judge.